Gallery: Team Bill Bone fundraiser for SMART Ride 16

On Friday the 17th of October supporters of the SMART Ride 16 gathered at The Colony Hotel in Palm Beach to raise funds for Team Bill Bone.

The SMART Ride is a 2-Day, 165-Mile bicycle Ride from Miami to Key West, November 15th and 16th, 2019.

Like many things that change us and the world in some way, it starts with a dream, a vision, and an idea. The SMART Ride (Southern Most AIDS/HIV Ride) is no different. It was born out of a dream to make a real and significant difference in the lives of those infected, affected and at risk for HIV/AIDS. In 2002, the idea was a welcome change to this kind of fundraising, but met much skepticism about the reality of meeting these goals of 100%. The ride became a reality one year later in November of 2003 with less than 100 riders and about 100 crew. Miraculously, we raised $169,000 and returned it all to AIDS Service Organizations. Sixteen years later, over $10.5 million has been distributed throughout Florida, making SMART Ride the 2nd largest AIDS bicycle ride in the country and the only one of its size to give back 100%.

Learn more at


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